Tuesday, February 26, 2008

EVERYONE has a story to tell. I am feeling nostalgic!

WELL!! I have had many ups and downs in life, so now I'm feeling nostalgic. Let me tell you all a story, on how I met PXU =D

It was a dark and stormy night, I have decided to go to sleep. The very next day, everything were to change.

UVE were disbanding, and UVE*Extreme were planning on making their own independant guild, Viva d'Extremite. It was an attractive idea, but it would clash with my plan of merging with seraphim, as Mel was in that guild. So I just had to take time off to think abt what I want. During that process, I realized that I had forgotten my e-mail to my priests acc, so it would be retarded to continue using it, so I abandoned it and went back to my rogue.

My rogue was only level 67, I went hand-lvling til 69 bcoz I was bored. After that, I got lazy and just hung out a lot, just KS ppl's DB session. walked arnd prontera aimlessly. One fine day, after bored of hunting for OBB by killing mystcases, I decided to just return to pron and flap doodle. While walking to ADB, passing thru the xmas fields, I saw a priest, an LK and Monk travelling together. I was bored, so I just followed them and see what they were doing. The priest was Zi, LK was Jon, the champ I think was WK or Oscar I cant rmbr.

So we sat down and chat for a while. Then after that, they went on to hunt for MVP. So I just went back to prontera and flap doodle.

A few days later, I went to PVP for fun. Hiding arnd, then I saw the same champ that I saw the other day, so I chat with him for a while, turns out it wasnt the same guy, I think it was bing at that time. So I just asked to join PXU. Then everything were to change forever....

I officially joined PXU after that!!!!!!!! I can't rmbr exactly how, but oh well. I stripped and DSed. I even killed an LK once. But bcoz he was berserking and I stripped him nude. And it was all thanks to PXU supplying bot for me XD

And that was the touching story of how I met PXU. And I have yet to meet any of them although once planned to =P perhaps next time XD

Hence the blog name, PXU TEHZ FUXXIN PWNAGE!!!!!!!!!111
BUT less now that I'm not arnd =/



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