Monday, March 10, 2008

I am tehz long weekend fast.

WHAT TEHZ LONG WEEKEND! Am tehz walk all over tehz city literally! I noe almost where anything/everything is now! So come on down to sydney! I can show u arnd depending on my laziness =D

I would like to condemn Jagdeep once again for being a prickly pickled balls for not coming on9 or visitting me. That beetch will pay!

As a reward, let me award all of u with a touching short story. It's called PXU fan fic ep. 2 =D

It has been 5 years since the incident... Oscar is now the leader of PXU. It is not as good a guild as it was before as
a lot of the good members have gone... But there are new ppl in training to become PXU's powerful members. Se-on repented
and became the Yoda of PXU. He seldom went for wars, he only gave advice which Oscar needed a lot because he had a lot of
pressure. The new members were the chosen ones that Se-on had foreseen to become powerful, except for 1 member, which he
had predicted to be the most powerful in ERO. He had meditated on this, but he couldn't see light in the new member's future.
He was only a little boy, his name is Anakin Skelworker. Young Ani was the breaker for PXU, just 2 touches of the emperium,
and the castle belongs to PXU, but he never listens to Oscar, and that pisses Oscar off a lot. So Oscar wanted to give
extra special training for Guan, Sheng, Xin Han, Evil,Kenneth, Toro and Zi. Zi was cured, but she had amnesia, and forgot everything
about the past. So 1 day, they were having fun at Burger King celebrating Guan's bday. Then suddenly, a few Aegir gangsters
came in and started staring at Oscar, Toro, Guan, Sheng, Evil, Kenneth, Zi, Xin Han, and Se-on. They said, "u will all die today!"
and started attacking PXU. PXU fought back with all their force, Se-on digged a hole and ran to Nebraska. Then The gangsters
were outnumbering PXU, they were all badly injured. The leader of the gang came up to Oscar and said "hehee... my boss is
going to reward me for sure..." he lifted up his sword and was swinging it down, Oscar closed his eyes and hear a sound
*PIANG!*. Then Oscar opened his eyes, everyone of the gangsters were on the floor bleeding. Then Oscar looked behind him,
Anakin was there holding his katana covered with blood... Then more gangsters came in, but this time, they were U2 + EDC.
A dark man in a hood came up and said, "ha ha ha... well done, my apprentice, well done...". Oscar recognised that voice
from somewhere... then he figured it out, he shouted, "DAN DAN! U!! U!! *cough* U!!! AAAA!!" he quickly jumped to his feet
and rushed towards the man in the hood. He prepared his fist to punch the guy but he was slashed by Anakin from the back.
Then Oscar died. Guan was shocked, he shouted, "ARE U MAD?!" and was shot at the head by 1 of the gangsters. Then Dan Dan
walked around the remaining PXU members, he was /gg-ing and then he lifted up his hand, all the PXU members started screaming
and then their heads suddenly exploded. Dan Dan /gg /gg and /gg. Suddenly, an explosion happened inside Burger King,
everybody from U2 AND EDC died except for Dan Dan and Anakin who looked like nothing happened at all. And then Dan Dan /gg
and said, "hehe, Se-on long time no see..." and then suddenly both of them attacked Se-on, Se-on fought back, his hair was
yellow colour and spiky, u noe what that means, Se-on has became Super Saiya. He just made 1 punch at Anakin and broke
Anakin's katana and punched Anakin's head off his shoulders = die. Then Dan Dan /gg again and said, "not bad.. gggggg"
Dan Dan took out the hood and his whole body was revealed, Se-on looked at his body, it was completely metal! Se-on then
started to look down, as he saw the legs, he began to laugh. He ROFLMAO'd and Dan Dan was furious, he quickly ambushed Se-on,
but Se-on dashed like a bullet away and became Super Saiya 2, he quickly ran towards Dan Dan and asura! BOOM!!!!!!!
Dan Dan was on the ground bleeding out purple colour stuff. Se-on took a bit and tasted it, it was grape juice. Then Se-on
said, "I didn't want to show my true power, but u forced me to, too bad for u, /e4". Then Se-on punched Dan Dan in the heart
and Dan Dan died. Then Se-on died too bcoz he became Super Saiya 2 whiched destroyed all the bones and internal organs in
him... But...

wtf. But what?! Din I finish this story?! sheesh... I hafta continue I guess =/

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